Are you searching to watch Galileo full movie streaming!. You have got come to right place. Download as many as you want and watch them on your personal computer.
Galileo released in theaters on 1975-01-27. This movie is one of the best [Drama] genre, within 145 minutes and rating: 0.
Synopsis Galileo
Challenged by a new student, tutor and theorist Galileo co-opts emerging telescope technology and discovers irrefutable proof of the heretical notion that the earth is not the center of the universe. But in a rigid society ruled by an uneasy alliance of aristocracy and clergy already undermined by the Plague and the Reformation, science is a threat and enlightenment is a luxury. Faced with either death at the hands of the Inquisition or recantation to a hypocritical but all-powerful Papacy, Galileo must choose between his own life and the restless scientific curiosity that he has spurned family, friends, and wealth to pursue.
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